Monday, March 3, 2008

Bill Gates' visit in February 2008 at the University of Waterloo

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bill Gates addresses UW and local high school students.

Bill Gates is back. The founder and current president of Microsoft today is his second visit to the University of Waterloo - one of the five campuses on his current tour and the only one in Canada.

UW Gates was welcomed by senior administrators have joined a group of academics for a roundtable and talked to the media. But the main event was a speech to a group largely comprised of students. Nearly 200 students, many of whom are participating in competitions in mathematics UW managed by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, joined 475 students from across the UW campus, and a few dozen invited to talk about his theater the humanities.

The briefing began at 9:45 and covered topics ranging from software and innovation to entrepreneurship and philanthropy. He spoke for half an hour and then answered questions from the audience.

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